🎉 New Year Sale 🎉Take 40% off your subscription for 4 months. Hurry - ends Jan 31.
✨ Claim my 40% discountFree Craft Seller Tools
Discover our range of helpful free craft seller tools designed to help your maker business.
Our free online Etsy calculator will show you exactly how much in Etsy fees you will pay for selling your product. Includes listing, Direct Checkout or PayPal transaction fees.
This calculator aims to provide you with an estimate of how much you should charge for your product, given a desired profit margin. The calculator factors in Etsy listing fees, transaction fees and costs of production to determine your optimum price.
Download our FREE Craft Show Inventory template and get your inventory organised for your next craft fair!
Our Craft Inventory Spreadsheet is designed to be a simple, periodic excel or numbers based system that will help you understand the fundamentals of inventory tracking and encourage good stock tracking habits. Perfect for those businesses not quite ready for the Craftybase Inventory + Bookkeeping system.
Use our free candle fragrance load calculator to calculate the optimum amount of wax and fragrance required to create your candles.
Our free online Faire calculator will show you exactly how much in Faire fees you will pay for selling your product.