product updates

New! Improved tools for inventory adjustments

We've just released a range of improved tools and features to allow you to pinpoint and solve inventory costing issues much faster.

Monthly Inventory Adjustment Alert Email

At the start of each month, you’ll now receive an email alert if you have any uncosted orders, manufactures or material adjustments for the preceeding month. This email will give you direct links to lists of your uncosted items so you can quickly assess and repair these discrepancies.

Look out for this email from November onward.

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Searchable Material Inventory Lists

We have also released the ability to filter and sort your material inventory adjustments by a range of different attributes, including Reason, Costed, Category / Material Category, Stock Available and more.

The new Costed filter will allow you to quickly generate a list of all adjustments that have a costed value of zero so you can investigate and rectify. The Stock Available filter will generate a list of all material adjustments that have been made with zero stock available when the adjustment was made.

How to find your Material Adjustments page >

Uncosted filters for Order and Manufacture list pages

You’ll find a new filter option called “Costed” in the left hand side menu of both your Order and Manufacture pages that will allow you to quickly identify any costing issues and take action.

Troubleshooting guides on how to fix costing issues with manufactures and orders can be found here:

Why is my order cost zero? Why is my manufacture cost zero?

Material Valuation Report Improvements

We’ve also added some extra enhancements to the Material Valuation Report to allow you to investigate any costing issues found via the category breakdown. You’ll now find that each category is linked and will take you instantly to the improved Material Adjustments page with this category filtered by default.

A warning now also displays at the bottom of this report to indicate if you have any uncosted adjustments within the date range you have searched upon.

How to find your Material Valuation Report >

Improved Schedule C Guidance Warnings

Over on your Schedule C report, you’ll also see more alerts and warnings regarding uncosted manufactures, orders and adjustments so you can ensure that your stock history is correct before using these tallies.

Schedule C report including uncosted orders tally How to find your Schedule C report >

Nicole Pascoe Nicole Pascoe - Profile

Written by Nicole Pascoe

Nicole is the co-founder of Craftybase, inventory and manufacturing software designed for small manufacturers. She has been working with, and writing articles for, small manufacturing businesses for the last 12 years. Her passion is to help makers to become more successful with their online endeavors by empowering them with the knowledge they need to take their business to the next level.