
Name generators for your Etsy store

We show you some great free Etsy name generator tools that will help you create the perfect name for your handmade business.

We get it: it’s really hard to decide on a name for your Etsy store that truly and completely captures everything that you and your products stand for.

It’s important, however, to take the time to get your Etsy store name right: it’s one of the first things that your customers will see and will appear on all of your packaging and branding.

To help with this daunting task, an “Etsy name generator” can be used for inspiration — these are online tools designed to help you find unique and unusual combinations of words.

This can be a really great way to discover a business name for your Etsy shop (or at the very least kickstart your imagination to get you closer to the perfect name).

Ready to start brainstorming some names for your Etsy shop? Here are 7 great Etsy name generators to help you get started!

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Name Station

Name Station lets you put in keywords and will provide you a list of names that fit, alongside availability for domain names. It also has a cool feature that allows you to ask their community for suggestions if you don’t see anything you particularly like.

Etsy name generator: Name Station


This generator tool creates random words that don’t exist in the english language. You can select how long your Wordoid should be and a list will be created that you can use for your Etsy store name inspiration. Using words that don’t exist in the dictionary can be great for SEO as you’ll have keywords to use in your marketing that are entirely unique.

Etsy name generator: Wordoid


Knowem, in addition to finding names for your Etsy store, will also check to see social media account availability and trademarks. This is an important step to see if you are going to be naming your business something similar to another that already exists.

Etsy name generator: Knowem

Shopify Business Name Generator

This business name generator, from Shopify, will help you with naming and domain name availability. A great feature of this one is the ability to narrow down your search based on the type of handmade business you have (i.e. jewelry, soap maker, etc.)

Etsy name generator: Shopify


This name generator tool uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create short, catchy, and unique names for your Etsy store. It also learns from your previously favorited results and factors this into any new searches you do - this can then slowly lead you down a route of discovery on the combinations of letters you particularly like.

Etsy name generator: Namelix


This AI powered generator helps you create a creative yet catchy name for your business. The platform further helps check for .com domain availability, allowing you to create a domain name for your website.

Etsy name generator: Namelix

Business Name Generator

Using a matching algorithm, this generator will help take your keywords and apply them to your niche. This will help you create a name relevant to your niche and industry, focusing on catchiness, length, and tone. It will also check for domain name availability with GoDaddy.

Etsy name generator: Namelix

Having a unique name for your Etsy business can play a role in your brand and its growth. Use these generators to help you find a name that resonates well with you, your products, and your clients.

What should you consider when choosing a Etsy shop name?

There are many factors you should take into consideration when choosing a name for your Etsy shop, including:

Make it relevant: The name of your shop should be relevant to the products or services that you sell. If you sell handmade jewelry, for example, you might want to include the word “jewelry” or “gems” in your store name.

Keep it short and sweet: A shorter name is going to be easier for customers to remember than a long, complicated one.

Make it original: With over 1.7 million active Etsy sellers as of 2019, it’s important to make sure your store name is unique and not already being used by someone else.

Make it SEO-friendly: Including keywords in your store name can help you show up higher in search engine results, making it easier for customers to find you.

Make it memorable: A name that is easy to remember will help customers find you again in the future.

Avoid using numbers or symbols: These can be difficult for customers to remember and can make your store name look unprofessional.

Test it out: Before settling on a name, try saying it out loud and spelling it out to make sure it’s easy to pronounce and spell. You might also want to run a quick Google search to see if there are any other businesses with a similar name.

See our blog post here for inspiration for some cute Etsy shop names

Checking the availability of your Etsy name

Once you have generated a name that you love, make sure you do a quick check across Etsy to see if it is already in use.

Keep in mind that just Googling or searching on Etsy for a shop name is not enough. To find out whether your desired name is available on Etsy, during the shop creation process, make sure you click the “Check Availability” button. If your chosen Etsy shop name is unavailable, you’ll be prompted to try a different one.

If you already have a registered business name and find that this has already been taken by someone else, Etsy recommends adding a slight variation to your name to create something unique. Words like. “Studio”, “H.Q” or “Designs” can look appropriate and still allow you to maintain and grow your branding.

It’s also a good idea to see what search results return for your chosen Etsy name in Google and Bing. You ideally want to choose a name that is distinctive enough to rise above sites and pages with similar sounding names.

It’s also a good idea to ask your friends and family for feedback on your new Etsy name as they may have thoughts you can factor into your decision making process. It’s a great idea to ask them also what sort of products would work being sold under this name to see if your branding is heading in the right direction.

As another point to cover, it’s wise to check for trademarked names in your country of incorporation. In the US, you can search the trademarked names on the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s website.

Now that you have found your perfect Etsy shop name, go forth and start setting up your Etsy store!

The software you need for your new Etsy store

Now that you have an Etsy shop name that you love, you’ll want to start getting serious about making it a success. Craftybase is the perfect tool to help you do this.

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Nicole Pascoe Nicole Pascoe - Profile

Written by Nicole Pascoe

Nicole is the co-founder of Craftybase, inventory and manufacturing software designed for small manufacturers. She has been working with, and writing articles for, small manufacturing businesses for the last 12 years. Her passion is to help makers to become more successful with their online endeavors by empowering them with the knowledge they need to take their business to the next level.