Why choose Craftybase over Soapmaker Software?
Everything in one place
Stock levels and financial data are all in the one place and accessible from any internet enabled device (our industry standard backups ensure your data is extremely safe).
Daily Imports
Stop manually copying over numbers to spreadsheets - there is a now an easier and better way! We automatically import of all your products and orders each night ready for the start of your day.
Pricing Guidance
Know exactly how much it costs to produce your products - our pricing guidance feature means you'll always be on top of your margins and profits.
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
Track your cost of goods sold in real time using the data you enter. We'll even generate the numbers you need for your Schedule C at the touch of a button.
Reports & Charts
Keep your finger on the pulse and know how well your store is doing, with our extensive and detailed reports. Charts and graphs show you your vital stats in an easy to understand way.
Low Stock Alerts
Track your exact material and product stock levels, so you know exactly when you need to order more supplies or make more product. Don't run out of stock ever again and keep those sales rolling in!